Motorcycle Insurance

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Motorcycling is riding a motorcycle. For most people in the world, motorcycling is the only affordable form of individual motorized transportation, and small displacement motorcycles are the most common motor vehicle in the most populous countries of the world, including India, China and Indonesia.
In the developed world, motorcycling goes beyond being just a mode of motor transportation or sport. It is also leisure activity and numerous subcultures and lifestyles have evolved around the use of motorcycles. Although mainly a solo activity, motorcycling can be very social and motorcyclists tend to have a strong sense of community with each other.
For most riders, motorcycle is a cheaper and more convenient form of transportation which causes less commuter congestion within cities and has less environmental impacts than automobile ownership.https://www.easterninsuranceinc.com

Others ride as a way to relieve stress and to “clear their minds” as described in Robert M. book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. contrasted the sense of connection experienced by motorcyclists with the isolation of drivers who are “always in a compartment”, passively observing the passing landscape. portrayed motorcycling as being in “completely in contact with it all… in the scene.”[7] The connection to ones motorcycle is sensed further, as explained, by the frequent need to maintain its mechanical operation. felt that connection deepen when faced with a difficult mechanical problem that required walking away from it until the solution became clear. Similarly, motorcyclists experience pleasure at the feeling of being far more connected to their motor vehicles than in a motorcar, as being part of it rather than in it.
Speed draws many people to motorcycling because the power-to-weight ratios of even low-power motorcycles rivals that of an expensive sports car. The power-to-weight ratio of many modestly priced sport bikes is well beyond any mass-production automobile and rivals that of super cars for a fraction of the price.[9] Hunter S. Thompson’s book Hell’s Angels includes an ode to the joys of pushing a motorcycle to its limits, “with the throttle screwed on there is only the barest margin, and no room at all for mistakes … that’s when the strange music starts … fear becomes exhilaration [and the] only sounds are the wind and a dull roar floating back from the mufflers” and T. E. Lawrence wrote of moving swiftly” and the “pleasure of speeding on the road”. A sensation he compared to feeling “the earth mouid herself under me coming alive and heaving and tossing on each side like a sea.
Not only is the sensation of speed greater but motorcycles negotiate turns by leaning, therefore the greater the speed, the greater the lean, sometimes to the point of scraping parts of the motorcycle on the road. Some riders will point proudly to the worn-away parts of their motorcycle, proof that they take turns so fast that they must lean the motorcycle over to the limits of its capabilities.

As the restriction of mobility is common element in oppressive circumstances, motorcycling is also a significant tool of mobility[12] and a symbol of independence, adventure and self-reliance.

Motorcycling is a more dangerous means of transport than other road alternatives: the relative risk of a motorcycle rider being killed or seriously injured per kilo metric traveled was around 54 times higher in Great Britain in 2006 than for car drivers. However, motorcycling is less dangerous than many other popular outdoor recreational activities, including horseback riding.

To address motorcycle safety issues, motorcycle-specific training and personal protective equipment is important for motorcyclists’ survival on the road, and mandated in many countries and several U.S. states and counties.

Motorcycling lifestyles have been adopted by many different groups spanning nations and cultures. They include commuters, mainstream motorcycle clubs such as long-distance riding clubs, adventurer touring, trail riding and those involved with motorcycle sports, such as motocross riding, drag racing, circuit racing and trick or stunt enthusiasts; and those involved in customizing their vehicles in various different styles. Organized rides are a key element of many groups.

Around the world, motorcycles have historically been associated with highly visible subcultures.[16] Some of these subcultures have been loose-knit social groups, such as the scooter riders and cafe racer riders of the 1950’s and 60’s in Great Britain, and they often are seen as inhabiting the fringes of society.[16] Numerous books about motorcycle subcultures have been written.
Clubs, lobbying groups, and outlaw gangs
Motorcycle clubs
See also: Motorcycle club
Social motorcyclist organisations are popular and are sometimes organised geographically, focus on individual makes, or even specific models.
motorcycle clubs include: American Motorcyclist Association, Harley Owners Group and BMW. Some organisations hold large international motorcycle rallies in different parts of the world that are attended by many thousands of riders. Many social motorcycle organisations raise money for charities as a secondary activity, through organised events and rides, and others exist primarily as social benefit organisations, such as Bikers Against Child Abuse.

Since the late 20th century, motorcyclists have formed political lobbying organisations in order to influence legislators to introduce motorcycle-friendly legislation. One of the oldest such organisations, the British Motorcycle Action Group, was founded in 1973 specifically in response to helmet compulsion, introduced without public consultation. In addition, the British Motorcyclists Federation, originally founded in 1960 as a reaction to the public perception of motorcyclists as leather-jacketed hooligans, has itself moved into political lobbying. Likewise, the U.S. has ABATE, which, like most such organisations, also works to improve motorcycle safety, as well as running the usual charity fund-raising events and rallies, often for motorcycle-related political interests.

Outlaw gangs
Main article: Outlaw motorcycle club
At the other end of the spectrum from the charitable organisations and the motorcycle rights activists are the “outlaw motorcycle gangs.” These are defined by the Provincial Court of Manitoba as: “Any group of motorcycle enthusiasts who have voluntarily made a commitment to band together and abide by their organisations’ rigorous rules enforced by violence, who engage in activities that bring them and their club into serious conflict with society and the law.”[20] The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Criminal Intelligence Service Canada have designated four MC’s as Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs which are the Pagans, Hell’s Angels, Outlaws MC.

The motorcycle manufacturing industry and many government entities around the world have taken actions to clean up the reputation and activities of motorcyclists.


Maintenance on a Kawasaki Ninja 250 motorcycle
Motorcyclists will refer to maintenance or repair of a motorcycle as wrenching in the USA and in the UK. A do it yourself self-sufficiency is said to be part of motorcycles allure in an “increasingly monolithic, world”being able to maintain one’s own motorcycle is seen as part of the competency of being a motorcyclist.

Historically, motorcycle maintenance was a necessary skill for riders, since the materials and technology used in motorcycles often meant that repairs had to be done on the road-side miles from home. Modern motorcycles are as reliable as automobiles but many riders feel that their motorcycle is more than just a means of transportation which leads them to want to do maintenance on the motorcycles themselves.

Season of the Bike “The difference between driving a car and climbing onto a motorcycle is the difference between watching TV and actually living your life.”
The Guidelines for Motorcycling – these authoritative Guidelines are the first in the UK, setting out comprehensive, practical guidance for highway engineers, traffic engineers, road safety officers and transport planners on providing a safer transport environment for motorcycles, mopeds and scooters.https://easterninsuranceinc.com/auto-insurance/Car-Insurance/home-insurance/business-Insurance/commercial-Insurance/Homeowners-Insurance/House-Insurance/motorcycle-insurance/Insurance/liability-insurance/

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